Thursday, January 25, 2018


Is this the story of your life? or...does this remind you of someone you love?
In our family, this is just everyday stuff and it ebbs and flows with intensity, but its always present to some degree. From my perspective, the hardest part of living with this "gift of disorder" is fighting the constant disappointment we can feel in ourselves, and that which we cause others to feel towards us...which is why it's so important to do things to build our discipline, self esteem and confidence. It's not just about attention and focus issues...or about being hyper and unable to sit still, its not just about the squirrels that constantly lead us down rabbit holes. No, It interferes with jobs, relationships, memory, and something else I think but I got distracted for a few minutes and now I forget. Our forgetfulness can come across as a lack of caring, but NOTHING could be further from the truth. In fact, we have so much going on in our brains and we are back and forth between so many fires that our hearts are almost always throbbing with empathy, regret and on a positive note, also gratitude. We are emotional could we not be? We believe we can help everyone and still have something left over to give to ourselves...and we are reminded daily that we aren't enough. That merely scratches the surface of the challenges, but the blessings are endless too. It's about awareness and channeling the creativity when it hits hard...we NEED to have outlets that constantly challenge us, drive us forward so we don't get caught up in our past, our shortcomings, the things we cant go back and fix after we've impulsively done something foolish or let someone down. We throw ourselves into these things, and when we do, we feel passion and nostalgia...we are for a moment or if were lucky several, confident, brave, bulletproof and hyper-focused. There's also the feeling of invincibility and an endless sense of humour that most people won't understand, and that's perfectly fine with us, because everything we do is for our own entertainment. Ill probably come back to this, but I suddenly forget where I was going with it, because I started giggling about something ridiculous I did yesterday.

Oh yes, the blessings...We have so many incredible humans in our lives because we long to know them all, we crave connection with an abundance of people we meet...however we don't necessarily like them all. In fact, one of the best things about being married to another Disorderly is that one of our seemingly favourite things to do together is talk about how ridiculous other people are. It sounds facetious but in our defence, we love so hard and struggle so much with our insecurities that we simply use this as a way to sort through our true feelings, lighten our heavy heart and move through to acceptance and forgiveness...of others and ourselves. As partners, we get frustrated a lot but we also understand the others shortcomings once we calm our egos, and we are incredibly forgiving as a result. But along the way we go through this process of confliction about how we really feel because at light speed we are reviewing all perspectives...some real, some imagined. We are visionaries, and our ideas excite us, even give us euphoria and ecstasy. 

We have a natural weeding process, because the ones who don't "get" or understand us keep their distance...and those who like, love or are amused by us tend to love us, when we struggle to love ourselves. They look to us for inspiration, and when we crash, which happens more than you can imagine...they are there to remind us what we stand for.  They remind us that our perceived craziness is really brilliance, and that as rushed as we feel through life, we have plenty of time left to shine. 

I love this short makes me feel comforted that I am not alone, but also sad because many of my loved ones also experienced frequent feelings of disappointment in themselves. I also have hope that by raising awareness, any who are living with this "superpower" will be more accepted, but also as we become more self aware, we can draw more attention to the positive things this can mean for us. We all have potential...and reaching for that, all the while loving ourselves right where we are now, is key.

#airoliftlounge #blog #adhd #adultdisorderly #muse #perspective #facetious #adayinthelifeof

Thursday, January 18, 2018

If they aren't lifting you and others around them, they are tearing others down...we've heard this before. But we always have a choice and must use our own toolbox while respecting our boundaries...of course lol. We can cut them out or we can give them a lift them up. Are they fundamentally a heart-led person? If so, reach out and reach down so you can help nudge them back to a state of alignment. If they have a pattern of holding others down because of their own negative view of themselves, love them and encourage them to examine the root of their pain, but release yourself of the burden to "save" them. It is your purpose to love hard on people yes, but they must do the work...and they must make the decision do the work if its gonna stick. If they respond to your compassion, yay! I could speak to this all daaaaaay...but Ill leave it at that for now. I will be adding to this later today. In the meantime, Be Kind, Be Impeccable with your words, show compassion, don't take things know the drill.

What you hand out on a silver platter, may or may not return on a plate at all...but LOVE you enough not to care if it comes back. You'll be a-ok either way if you're a #girlwholifts.

Friday, January 12, 2018

This is an incredibly challenging thing to do...I for one have recently renewed this goal yet again, going forward and omg the emotional freedom is remarkable. Sadly most of us make assumptions... weekly, daily, hourly, even minutely based on perception and belief, not knowledge...We believe we know what is going on in other hearts and this is really unacceptable when you really let it sink in, because no one can know our heart except our heavenly father. Because of this habit, we sabotage relationships, we treat one another without compassion, we feel unnecessary hurt, we self loathe, causing ourselves and others pain in complete vanity. How sad is this? 

How many of us are willing to start facing our fears, stepping out of our comfort zone and asking more questions, being interested in the answers, in order to breakthrough to freedom?? I know i am! Not that any one of us can simply make a decision and keep our integrity about it because we are born into imperfection, but we can make little adjustments daily and remind ourselves to be mindful before reacting. Behaviours are habits, so its about creating new habits to crowd our the old one thats no longer serve us. Things are not always what they seem...if someone does or says something and we place judgement on them without understanding context, circumstances and motives...instead why don't we take just a moment to remember the truths we know about this person, their qualities, their life experiences and ask ourselves if we can entertain the idea that there is more than meets our eyes or our ears? What if we could set our egos aside long enough to be heart led rather than led by impulse. What if we could get quiet long enough to hear our inner wisdom and voice, rather than outside noise? I personally think beautiful, yes magical things would happen for us, for others, for this planet! I believe a rush of love, compassion, even ecstasy would envelop us. What if we could heal ourselves through forgiveness...of others, of ourselves, of our world.
#freedomfriday #4agreements #whatif #jenuine

From my <3 to yours...

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Welcome to my Personal Lounge!

Hi my name is Jen Thomson from BC, Canada and I have been talking about starting a Blog for a very long time. One thing held me back...Courage. Courage to show true vulnerability...consistently. I summoned that courage and it arrived in my heart this morning. Here's why...

A few weeks ago, I saw a video I had posted on Facebook 1 year ago. I didn't even recognize the strong confident human in front of the camera and it literally made me cry to see it. I was speaking about my goals and what I needed to do to overcome my obstacles and crush my goals. The only thing that got crushed in 2017 was my belief in, and the value I hold for myself. Last year when I filmed this video, I was on the verge of going down this path but I was bound and determined that I would not get in my own way, listening to the Bs that was the noise around me. But it got so loud, I couldn't hear anything else. I had become a shell of a person...pinned down with grief over losing my identity and what little confidence I had, nearly a year ago. I'm not saying this to everyone to receive comfort or fact, I challenge anyone who reads this to simply respond with an emoji, gif or image,if they feel they need to, but please don't try to boost me, encourage me or stroke my ego. I'm not sharing my rawness for that...I'm determined to do this for myself without any outside validation, in hopes that I can inspire others to do the same for themselves. Because that is what I'm most passionate about, lifting others. If I can learn to love myself without needing to know if people understand or accept me...Ill finally be FREE to be ME, and i need that more than anything right now in order to be a light in this dark world. If there is ANYONE out there who has experienced something similar this year and desperately wants to reclaim their true identity and potential...comment with "I am safe to be me" and then do the work for yourself, and I promise you this next year will be beautiful, but of course a bit messy as you grow ðŸ˜‰
If you need support, some tools or just a listening ear...send me a MSG. No one need do this alone. If I don't have the resources myself to get you there...I happen to have some amazing humans in my life that likely do...and I will point you in the right direction. 

And so with that the Airo Lounge was born this morning. Its like putting the oxygen mask on yourself first, so you can breathe life into others. And that's what I hope to accomplish here.

So Welcome to Airo (greek for Lift) Lounge, have a seat, make yourself at home and share your thoughts with me, take what resonates and leave behind what doesn't, along with your forgiveness. I am messy and imperfect...and Im learning to love that messy imperfect girl again. I invite you to fall in love with your inner child again too.

Xo Jen