Thursday, March 29, 2018

The first year of raising a baby costs four times what you think it does - believe me, I've been there...4 times in fact! I always turned to home based business when my girls were little because it was important to me to be home when they were little, but none of the existing ones appealed to me so I always created my own, and I gave my heart and soul to my work, often working into the wee hours of the night when my daughters slept. The only catch was that what I brought in financially was capped by the amount of time I was able to devote each day to fulfilling orders and i had to keep a constant supply of materials to fulfill those orders... My time was often not valued and everyone wanted a "deal" when I already wasn't making anything close to what I was worth. My husband supported me and tolerated it but I often felt guilty that I wasn't able to contribute more.
As my children got older, I faced 2 massive realizations...the cost of raising children substantially increases as they get older, and as they get older they actually need us more than ever before! This hit me like a freight train when their Dad passed away suddenly and unexpectedly 4.5 years ago. I was working full time, the financial pressure increased. Once again I sought a way to be home with them... But i didn't find it the way I expected. I found it by trying to find my sanity, my health, my purpose, a passive income. I came to realize just how many people were/are suffering and looking for Solutions. I'm so grateful that my passion was always in the world leading industry, health & fitness...I just needed to find a way to do it without overhead and trading my time for money. I didnt... It found me! In the form of a friend just trying to help me through a dark time, I was able to do the same for others, and in the process create residual income (that means income that continues after the initial effort) It means that if my girls need me on Friday, I don't get dinged 8 hours from my paycheque. Being an entrepreneur is challenging when you struggle with self-loathing, doubt, fear, lack of savings...but it's an opportunity to grow through that, to take a mental health day when necessary and be there for your child's first talent show, field trip, your daughters coming of age milestones, their first heartbreak. I wish I'd found this integral company when my girls were little so I didn't have to miss these moments...but I'm not missing them anymore and it's so important to me to help other mom's start earlier, although it's never too late... I'm evidence of that 
So what's your plan? A home based business can really be the answer to your prayers!!
And what will people always need? Clean, organic food... Just sayin'. I don't usually say it because I'm shy about sharing financial opportunities and my focus is on serving others via their health & fitness obviously, but I see more and more families struggling and looking for a solution to both their physical, emotional and financial health. PM me if you want to pick my brain about how to bring yourself home as a parent or caregiver. It CAN be done, and by ANYONE...even those of us who need to do constant work on ourselves ;)

With Love and lifting...Jen